Relationship Support

Couples Counseling in Holland MI, Best Couples Therapists Michigan, The Flourishing Collective, Accepting New Clients Michigan, Online Therapy, Relationship Problems, Therapy, Psychotherapy, Michigan, Couples Counseling in MI, Best Couples Counselor

Authentic relationships

We work with clients that are in the midst of navigating changing dynamics in their own relationships—whether that is with your partner, adult children, growing children, friendships, or broader community.

As a collective, we intend to cultivate a community of people jointly committed to improving their relationships.

No relationship looks the same, but every relationship can benefit from intentional time, effort, and care. Learning to show up authentically, communicating clearly and kindly, living with healthy boundaries, and working toward growth and wholeness can transform our relationships.

Each of us face unique relational challenges. Some experience anxiety, others could improve their boundaries, and still others need to develop their confidence and voice. There is no single recipe for improving our relationships, but we can all take the opportunity to practice new skills and seek growth. With time and effort, we can improve our relationships.

You will meet with your therapist using a secure Telehealth link. This allows you to practice letting someone into your life and begin to form an authentic connection, represented by the spaces you inhabit.

Best Therapists Michigan, The Flourishing Collective, Accepting New Clients Michigan, Online Therapy, Relationship Problems, Therapy, Psychotherapy, Michigan
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Personal change, relational health

Healthier people work toward healthier relationships, which lead to healthier communities. Because our well-being is interconnected, working toward personal change can have positive cascading effects on those in relationship with you.

We plan to offer relationship support groups for many different kinds of relationships and for people with different needs. These communities will offer the opportunity to grow and experience change in relation with others who are also committed to improving their relationships.

These groups are still being designed. If you are interested, please connect with us to indicate your interest, and check back regarding availability.

Connect with us

Complete a contact form to inquire about relationship support